Thursday, March 6, 2008

I saw a hero today. He was a glorious, masterful figure with rich bronzed skin. He stood majestically with his horse, overlooking the people below as they passed. Everyone seemed comfortable around him, as if he was their protector. Even the animals flocked to him. Especially pigeons. He was white with pigeon shit. I wonder if thats how we will all be one day.
I saw people talking as they walked, but to no one with them. They held their hands to their ears as if it helped them hear the voices in their heads better. What happened to the days when people spoke to each other?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yesterday was a foul day. No! Actually it was a miserable day. Thick grey clouds hung over the city like the belly of a fat man. It was probably one of the darkest days of the year. It just made me want to go home and close all the windows and doors and sit on my couch. No one else seemed to mind it though.. I saw people in shorts and t-shirts. Some even had hats and sunglasses on. They were all acting so strangely, seemingly unaffected by the foul day. A friend of mine phoned me and asked if I'd join him at the beach. "You're mad!" I replied.
Another curious thing happened yesterday. I was walking alongside the road during a stroll through town when I saw four elderlies in the road. This in itself wasn't the curious part, but rather that they had been tarred into the road itself! I couldn't believe my eyes. Who could have done this. Why? Who could have shown such disregard for these old souls as to build a road right where they were standing. It was obvious that they had been there for a long time as well. They must have been a hundred years old each. They were brown and cracked from the age and the sun, and must have stood ten or twenty metres high. They were beautiful. This world puzzles me sometimes..
Yesterday I saw a statue. It was a rather life-like statue. It consisted entirely of various shades of brown, although I recognized none of these to be that of bronze or copper. Maybe it was just dirty.  It was situated awkwardly in a walkway, pressed up against a wall. It must have been there a long time as no one even seemed to notice its presence. It wasn't granted a single pause, not even a glance. There was a sign at the foot of it, but it didn't resemble the signs seen at the feet of normal statues. This one wasn't neatly etched in metal. It wasn't even of any typeface I recognized. It seemed almost as though it was permanent marker scrawled on cardboard. So strange... Quite ugly actually. Someone should really take it away.